28 Cool PUBG Mobile Tips and Tricks to Get that Chicken Dinner

Today this game is very famous and this game is launched earlier this year, This game have an absolute sensation with over 50 million downloads on the Play Store. This game is also available on PC and Mobile also. This games have a fun, but PUBG Mobile isn’t a game that’s easy in any way. In PUBG Mobile,There is a lot of players who are playing at the same time, and when you are relatively a beginner on PUBG Mobile or battle-royale games in general ,so we have some great tips and tricks to help you to take kills easily and to score ecery time chicken dinner.

 PUBG Mobile Tips and Tricks:

Game Settings:

 In PUBG mobile,before going into a game, you should doing a  couple of settings and you could double-check and adjust your settings to get a better performance in PUBG and help to make an easier to score kills and booyah.

Read this tips and tricks and game settings are:

 1. Select Third Person View or First Person View:

First you choose between a third person view, and first person view and the company of PUBG can take a latest update which will help to the players to brought the ability for players to choose between first and third person view. Before you starting the game, you can tap on the game mode button ‘Start’ and choose ‘TPP’ (third person) and ‘FPP’ (first person).

2. Adjust Graphics Quality:

Before you starting the game you can adjust you the graphic quality according to your phone’s capabilities. But PUBG Mobile do this things automatically, but if you feel like your game is lagging or dropping frames, so you can lower it further, or vice-versa. But an higher graphics quality setting will definitely help to make it easier to spot other enemy, but your phone is starts lagging or dropping frame,so you make the trade-off and opt for a higher frame-rate instead.

3. Turn on Peek and Fire:

In PUBG mobile, you can do  your Settings in game (the settings cog on the top-right), and go to Basic. You can turn on your ‘Peek & Fire button.’ This game is allows you to peek from behind cover,also allowing you to take shots without exposing yourself too much. Keep in mind, that you are still expose your head, so use it with caution.

4. Use Gyroscope for Aiming Down Sights:

 The company of PUBG Mobile brings an ability to use your smartphone’s gyroscope to aim. This settings will incredibly helpful when you can aiming down sights, or when you are scoped . since you’ll be able to move your phone at aim to enemies instead of having to touch and drag on the screen. To enable gyroscope, first you can simply head into Settings and then Basic.

5. Check if Aim Assist is On:

 First of all you will check that your ‘Aim Assist’ is turned on for help to easier aiming. This Aim assist is required on a touchscreen of your phone (usually) because the aiming on a touchscreen isn’t different as accurate as aiming with a mouse . In game, a spot-on aim will help you to take out enemies quickly and also help you to close-quarter-gunfights.

6. Enable The Left Side Fire Button:

 In the Settings of PUBG -> Basically, it enable the ‘left-side'fire button and it is easily to shoot with the left hand side while aiming with the right button. Without the help of left-side fire button, you can also find yourself that aiming and shooting with the same hand,  you can believe me, is really difficult.

7. Enable Auto-open Doors:
 Inside Settings of the PUBG -> Basically, it enable that ‘Auto  open doors’ help to quickly get inside the buildings without having to constantly tap over the door button.You note that you will remind that you tap the button to close the door.

8. Adjust the Size and Position of Controls:

You can head over to the Settings -> Controls -> Customize, and to adjust the size and position of controls according to the needs of yours. For example, I have made a grenade button at a little larger to make it easier to tap, and I have shifted the left side fire button to where my left-thumb naturally lands, so I will shoot even faster.

9. Turn on Auto-adjust Graphics:

                                                                                  You can go in Settings -> Graphics, and you can also turn on an ‘Auto adjust graphics’ to ensure that a consistent a frame-rate while playing. It means that if your phone is starts over-heating, or if your mobile battery is low, the PUBG Mobile will automatically adjust your graphics quality to compensate for it.
After your setting is done you can know which place you land or which weapons you can use to kill your opponents as much faster. Read this suggestion and information about how to play:

Landing Spots:

 First you choose the perfect landing spot and it is very important you to survive. These choice of landing spot will depend you whether you are comfortable with gunfights and you are looking to get the best loot, or whether you are planning on playing stealthily, and meet less players.

Best Landing Spots in Miramar:

 In my suggestion you land on miramar and If you’re new player in PUBG you can play on the desert map ‘Miramar,’ you can be looking to find out what is the best places to land . In about this place, Miramar have a bunch of places you can land and get the best loot. However, each places come with a certain percent of risk, so make sure you are ready for gunfights.

1. Most loot, very high risk:

  • It is a map name Hacienda del Patron  (just above San Martin in the middle of the map)
  • It is a map name Pecado  (slightly to the south-west of San Martin, between Power Grid and Graveyard).

2. More loot, high risk:

  • It is also a map name Prison (on the south-west edge of the map, on the very corner)
  • It also a map name Campo Militar (on the north-east corner of the map)

  • 3. Good loot, low risk:

It also a map name Minas Generales (to the south west of San Martin)

  • Best Landing Spots in PUBG (Erangel):

1. Most loot, very high risk:

  • Military Base (South of the map)
  • Prison (East edge of the map)
  • Mansion (Just above the Prison)
  • Mylta Power (South-east of the Prison)
2. More loot, lower risk

  • School (Middle of the map, but often dangerous)
  • Severny (North of the map)
  • Pochinki (Middle of the map)

3. Decent loot, very low risk

  • Bunkers near ‘Shelter’ — my personal favorite place to land.

Positioning In the Final Moments:

 If you are near a chicken dinner, and the circle is usually pretty small, and so one mistake could send you back to the lobby and you will not get a chicken dinner.

1. Play on the Edge:

If you have a scope at 4x or 8x ,then your positioning is yourself on the edge of the play zone and When the blue circle is the near to the white circle. Then this will give you a complete view of play zone, while your chances is reducing that your opponent will be coming from behind you.

2. Shoot to Kill:

Even you spot someone else and they haven’t spotted you,then you take the shot if a kill is guaranteed, otherwise you will just end up giving your position. Even you have spotted them, so you have correct time to take the perfect shot — aim for the head, and shoot in bursts until the opponent is dead.

3. Don’t Go in Guns Blazing:

Even only two opponents are left alive, so you keep hidden and wait for correct time to fight and you choose correct time then fight it out, and then kill the remaining one player.

Miscellaneous PUBG Tips and Tricks

1. Turn off Mission Impossible Background Music:

PUBG recently teamed up game is same as Mission Impossible: You bring MI themed missions to the game, along with the Mission Impossible theme music in the background and some people may love the tune of background music, then you are not especially a fan of it you can turn it off by heading into Settings and going to Audio. You will find the option to disable the Mission Impossible background music ‘BGM’ here.

2. Change Quick Chat Messages:
The company of PUBG brings a Quick chat option and this option is very useful tool in squad gameplay, especially you can used correctly.But with the default quick chat messages in PUBG Mobile are pretty good and you can wish to change the suits of your team’s playing style. So Simply go to Settings and then to Quick Chat and you will be able to delete the messages at your wish you don’t want to use, and put in the alternative messages instead. It is very useful. However, when you can’t write your own messages, so you will have to make do with the options provided by PUBG Mobile. To be fair that ,there is a bunch of options, so it shouldn’t be too much of an issue.

3. Use Headphones to Hear Enemy Footsteps:

 Most of the shooter games,such as CS: GO, Fortnite, PUBG , freefire make help to use of the direction audio that your opponents can create. While the stereo-front-firing speakers on your phone may help to good as enough, and put on a pair of headphones. This will help you to listening not only distant gunfire, but also footsteps of an opponents so you are not taken by surprise. It could not sound like much, but it makes a pretty big difference.

4. Survive Inside the Red Zone:

The PUBG map have marks a random regions of red zones. If you find yourself inside this red zone , I will suggest you to get out quickly or else you will find yourself in the airstrike of sort that he most likely to kill you. However, when you are in a place from where getting out is not easy, your can hide inside the building. This way you’ll be able to survive the red zone.

5. Use the Map:

If you like to land in Miramar place, or whether you like to land in foliage in Erangel, if you are really wish to be a good player, use the map well. These map is updated with new safe-zones, and red-zones, so keeping a close eye on the map can be helpful. The map on PUBG Mobile will also shows the direction of gunfire, footsteps, and vehicles which will help you to get know where opponents are, and if they’re coming towards you.

6. Make the Red Zone Your Strategic Friend:
Some times the red zone can actually be a friend to you. If you’re  inside a building when the bombs start dropping,so can do two things:
  • Use of the noise to cover your foot steps and gather any loot lying  inside the building.
  • You’ll most likely to see some players are running away, which makes them you to kill easily for your opponents. Plus, if you spot any player, you can risk it and use the cover of the bombing noise to flank them without them being able to hear your footsteps over the commotion.

7. Mute Annoying Team-mates:

 When you’re playing with your friends, then squad mode will often a pair you up with people where at least one players of them is an annoying prick constantly singing and screaming into their mic. With the PUBG Mobile update, you can also mute individual team-mates by tapping on the speaker-icon. This will available on menu with all your team-mates’ names on it, you can simply tap on the speaker icon next to the team-mate you want to mute . Now focus on the game.

8. Hide Inside Vehicles:

You can Sitting in the co-driver seat of a vehicle, this will  allowing you to hide inside the vehicles without alerting other players. They are still be able to see you, but you parked your vehicle in the middle of the desert, then no reason for most players to suspect that a player may be sitting inside a vehicle and not driving it.

9. Look Around without Moving:

You can easily hide behind corners and also use the ‘eye-button’ to look around the corner without exposing yourself to enemies. This is an handy trick that will help you to spot enemies without letting them spot you.

10. Heal Like a Pro:
While you healing yourself,so you can move for 0.5 seconds without cancelling the action of yourself. When you are hurry, start moving when there’s 0.5 seconds are left, giving you a headstart. This will comes in handy when the circle(radius) is closing up behind you and you need to run faster,or when you’re taking a short healing-break in the midst of a firefight.

Use These PUBG Mobile Tricks and Score Some Chicken Dinners:

Well, those were 28 PUBG Mobile tips and tricks that ought to help you to become a pro player and eill help you to survive.This tips and tricks will help you to kill your opponent easily and in new way.Use these tricksto get better loot and find the perfect landing spots, and survive till the very end and get that chicken dinner.Let us know in the comments section below.